Postnatal Pilates for Diastasis Recti: A Comprehensive Guide

Sep 8, 2024

Diastasis recti is a common condition affecting many women after childbirth, characterized by the separation of the abdominal muscles. This separation can lead to various physical challenges, including core instability and back pain. Fortunately, postnatal pilates is a highly effective method to address these issues, promoting both healing and strength. In this article, we will delve into the importance of postnatal pilates for diastasis recti, its benefits, and how you can incorporate it into your recovery and wellness journey.

What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis recti occurs when the rectus abdominis muscles—commonly referred to as the "six-pack" muscles—separate along the linea alba, the connective tissue running down the center of the abdomen. This condition is most prevalent during and after pregnancy, affecting approximately 60-70% of women in the postpartum period. The degree of separation can vary, and while some women may notice only a slight gap, others might experience more significant separation, leading to functional and aesthetic concerns.

Signs and Symptoms of Diastasis Recti

Identifying diastasis recti is crucial for effective recovery strategies. Some common signs include:

  • A bulge or "pooch" in the middle of the abdomen when performing activities like sitting up or laughing.
  • Lower back pain due to weakened core muscles.
  • Poor posture and difficulty with balance.
  • Incontinence or pelvic pain.

The Role of Pilates in Recovery

Pilates is a low-impact exercise method developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. It emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and body awareness. For postnatal women, postnatal pilates specifically focuses on recovery and rehabilitation, making it an ideal exercise model for addressing diastasis recti.

Benefits of Postnatal Pilates for Diastasis Recti

Integrating postnatal pilates into your recovery plan can offer numerous benefits:

  • Strengthening the Core: Pilates exercises target the deep abdominal muscles, promoting better engagement and alignment of the core.
  • Improving Posture: Many women suffer from poor posture after pregnancy; pilates aids in correcting alignment, reducing strain on the spine.
  • Enhancing Flexibility: Pilates improves flexibility, which can be beneficial in the recovery process as well as in everyday activities.
  • Promoting Mind-Body Connection: The focus on breathing and controlled movements in pilates fosters a greater awareness of your body, crucial for recovery.
  • Reducing Back Pain: By strengthening the core and improving posture, pilates can alleviate tension and pain in the back.

Getting Started with Postnatal Pilates

Before beginning any new exercise regimen, especially postpartum, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider. Once you have the green light, consider the following steps to effectively integrate postnatal pilates into your routine:

1. Find a Qualified Instructor

A certified pilates instructor with experience in postnatal care can provide personalized guidance. They will understand the unique needs of postpartum bodies and manage diastasis recti safely.

2. Start Slowly

In the early postpartum period, your body is still healing. Begin with gentle movements and focus on your breathing. Avoid traditional abdominal exercises like sit-ups until you have regained control of your core.

3. Focus on Basic Exercises

Some excellent foundational exercises for diastasis recti include:

  • Pelvic Tilts: These can help activate the pelvic floor and engage the transverse abdominis.
  • Heel Slides: A great way to practice core engagement without adding too much strain.
  • Modified Planks: Focus on form and keep knees on the ground to reduce pressure on the abdominal wall.

4. Progress Gradually

As you gain strength, gradually introduce more challenging movements. Always listen to your body, and if something feels uncomfortable, consult your instructor.

Common Pilates Exercises for Diastasis Recti

Here are several pilates exercises that are particularly beneficial for healing diastasis recti:

1. The Hundred

This classic pilates exercise warms up the body and engages the core. Begin with your back on the mat, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, and arms at your sides. Lift your head and shoulders off the mat, extend your legs, and pump your arms vigorously while breathing in and out.

2. Single Leg Stretch

A great way to activate the deep abdominal muscles, the single leg stretch requires you to pull one knee towards the chest while the other leg extends out. Alternate sides while maintaining core stability.

3. Cat-Cow Stretch

This gentle stretch is fantastic for spinal flexibility and core engagement. Start on all fours, arch your back while inhaling (cat pose) and round your back while exhaling (cow pose).

4. Bridge Lift

The bridge exercise strengthens the glutes and stabilizes the pelvis while engaging the core. As you lie on your back with knees bent, lift your hips towards the ceiling and squeeze the glutes at the top.

Listen to Your Body

One of the fundamental principles of pilates is listening to your body. Be mindful of any discomfort or pain that may arise. If you experience any adverse effects or find certain exercises exacerbate your symptoms, stop and consult your healthcare provider or physiotherapist.

Consistency is Key

To effectively heal diastasis recti, consistency in your pilates practice is crucial. Aim for regular sessions, whether it's attending classes or practicing at home. Over time, you’ll notice improvements in your core strength and overall wellness.


Incorporating postnatal pilates for diastasis recti can be a transformative journey for many women. With the right approach, expert guidance, and commitment, you can restore your core strength, alleviate pain, and enhance your overall physical health. At Hello Physio, we are committed to providing the best resources and support on your postnatal recovery journey. Whether through tailored pilates sessions or comprehensive physiotherapy, we are here to help you thrive.

Remember, every body's healing journey is unique—be patient and gentle with yourself as you navigate this important phase of life.

postnatal pilates diastasis recti